About Us

Welcome to Calling in Love Cacao! We're a team of passionate cacao lovers dedicated to sharing the power of ceremonial cacao with the world. Our journey began years ago when we discovered the magic of cacao and its ability to connect us with our hearts and inner wisdom.

Buried deep in the "heart of the world" in La Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in Colombia. This ancestral, ceremonial grade, heart-opening cacao is an ancient, indigenous medicine given to humanity by Mother Earth and cultivated by the indigenous tribes of the territory -- the Kogis, Arhuacos, and Wiwa -- along with local Colombian farmers.

We set out on a mission to create a company that not only provides the highest quality ceremonial cacao but also supports the indigenous farmers who grow it. We work directly with these farmers to ensure that they are paid fairly for their hard work and that their traditions are respected and preserved.

At Calling in Love Cacao, we believe that cacao has the power to transform our lives and help us connect with our hearts. It's a powerful tool for meditation, healing, and self-discovery. We invite you to join us on this journey of love and transformation and discover the magic of ceremonial cacao for yourself.